Domain Names
Registration of .UA Domains
To register a domain name like, you must be an owner of a registered trademark “DOMAIN”, according to .UA domain rules. Today, this is the only way to register a .UA domain name.
We can help you register domain names matching your trademarks. We provide initial information and consultation to our clients and accept applications for the registration of domain names.
The registration of .UA domain costs just 1999 UAH for our clients for the first year.
After domain name registration is completed, it appears in your account on the NIC.UA website, which means that you possess full rights to manage your domain name. You will be able to renew your domain name for the next year, or transfer your domain name to another registrar, if needed.
Why is it important to register a domain name based on the trademark — read
So far the time of validity of pre-emptive rights of trademark owners to register .UA domain names has not been specified. Eventually, anyone would be able to register a .UA domain name, as it happened in the domains of other countries. At some point, trademark owners in Ukraine may no longer be able to pre-emptively register domain names. Re-registering a domain name would require a court order or a settlement with the owner of a domain name. Either way you will have to bear considerable costs to become the owner of a domain name.
Another reason why registering a .UA domain name makes sense is that there may be other trademarks with identical or similar spelling, and domain names are registered on a first-come, first-served basis. And don’t forget that domain squatting has been on the rise recently.
Even if today registering a domain name seems useless to you and you have no interest in the internet, the situation may change in the near future. Because almost all human activities will soon heavily rely on online media, it is recommended to register a domain name for future use.
In addition to registering .UA domain names NIC.UA can help you register any other domain names. In this case you don’t have to be an owner of a registered trademark. We provide registration services for Ukrainian domains (.COM.UA, .BIZ.UA, .CO.UA, .NET.UA, .ORG.UA, .IN.UA, .KIEV.UA, etc.), generic top-level domains (.COM, .NET, .ORG, .BIZ, .INFO, .NAME, .MOBI, .PRO, etc.) and domains of other countries (.IN, .CO, .ME, .BZ, .PW, .TV, .US, etc.).
To register a domain name, please fill out the application.